About the UKBJJA
About us
The UKBJJA is a non-profit organisation and any surplus funds are to be reserved for investment for development of the sport. The objectives of the UKBJJA are:
- To preserve and protect the integrity of BJJ as a performance based martial art
- To promote BJJ and encourage wider participation in all areas of the sport
- To provide a framework for national recognition of the sport
- To preserve the integrity of the ranking system
- To provide a framework for competitions and individual schools to follow to ensure minimum standards of safety and good practice
- To represent all clubs and members in a democratic and transparent manner
- All instructors must be purple belt or higher from a verifiable lineage. We will ask for proof of promotions, including timescales.
- All instructors and staff must have DBS / Disclosure Scotland / Access NI checks in place. Click here if you require an up to date check.
- Instructors must have first aid training, or a qualified first aider should be in attendance during all training.
- Instructors and staff must have appropriate Child Protection and Safeguarding training. We offer this online, click here if required.
- Accident report book
- First aid kit
- Fire exits to British standards
- 40mm minimum for mats with minimal gaps
- Minimum areas per pair in sparring
- No sharp edges or corners in matted area
- Cleaning policy in place for dojo area
- Clear rules for students to remove jewellery before training
- Zero tolerance for skin infections or other infectious diseases and policy for advice on treatment
- Supervision and training for use of weights/fitness equipment if applicable
- Member to member insurance for all students
- Instructor insurance and club insurance
- Agree to abide by the policies and procedures of the UKBJJA